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- No. 054「Share Modern Life」ホアン リー
No. 054「Share Modern Life」ホアン リー
JAGDA国際学生ポスターアワード2023 入選作品【複製品】
作品名:Share Modern Life Share Modern Life
制作者:ホアン リー Li Huang
学 校:中国美術学院 China Academy of Art
制作意図(Design Concept):
When people communicate, they blindly express themselves and only hear their own voices; when sharing food, they interact with a sense of ritual, but their hearts are full of meaninglessness; even in the same space, they still need to rely on mobile phone for emotional feedback.In this day and age, as it happens among many of us, we are sharing with others and dissolving alone.
用 紙:普通紙・マット
印 刷:キンコーズ・ジャパン株式会社