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- No. 020「Your Contribution」アレー アミーナ
No. 020「Your Contribution」アレー アミーナ
JAGDA国際学生ポスターアワード2023 入選作品【複製品】
作品名:Your Contribution Your Contribution
制作者:アレー アミーナ Ameena Alae
学 校:日本デザイナー学院 Nippon Designers School
制作意図(Design Concept):
In Islam, we value helping the less fortunate and humbleness to the point that it's taught to give in charity so discreetly that your left hand does not know what your right hand has given, leads to another aspect of sharing: it nurtures and bears fruit for generations to come. Schools are the first place to plant the seeds of knowledge, which will continue to flourish into the distant future.
用 紙:普通紙・マット
印 刷:キンコーズ・ジャパン株式会社